Ryan Seacrest’s Ex-Stylist Details Her Abuse Allegations, His Lawyer Responds to New Story

Ryan Seacrest was accused of sexual harassment by a former stylist back in November and now the woman, Suzie Hardy, has come forward with detailed allegations against the entertainer.

Hardy says that she was subjected to years of “unwanted sexual aggression” from Ryan, who she says had a crush on her.

Among the claims are that he “grinded his erect penis against her while clad only in his underwear, groped her vagina, and at one point slapped her buttock so hard that it left a large welt still visible hours later,” she told Variety.

Ryan went public with the allegation in November and denied the “reckless allegations.” E! launched an investigation into the matter and the network concluded three months later that there was “insufficient evidence to support the claims.”

Now, Ryan‘s lawyer is responding to the new story with the claims.

Click inside to read the statement…

“It is upsetting to us that Variety is electing to run a ‘story’ about untrue allegations that were made against my client, after they were told that the accuser threatened to make those false claims against him unless he paid her $15 million. At that time, the claimant threatened to issue a demonstrably false press statement unless she was paid. Instead, my client proactively and publicly denied the claims and agreed to fully cooperate with E!’s investigation about the matter,” attorney Andrew Baum said in a statement to Variety.

Baum continued, “On January 31st the network notified us that their independent third-party investigation had concluded that there was insufficient evidence to support her claims, effectively, clearing my client’s name. It’s telling that after my client refused to pay her money, and the E! investigation resulted as it did, that she is now coming forward to share her debunked story to the press.”

Variety says that no evidence was presented to them of a monetary request being made by Hardy and her reps deny she ever asked for money.

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