9 Diverse Marvel Heroes We Want To See On The Big Screen

There have been multiple studies showing that diversity helps box office performance, but in recent weeks Ryan Coogler’s Black Panther has been bringing that lesson to bold, vibrant life. While still in the early days of its release, the movie is knocking on the door of making more than $1 billion worldwide with a cast that is almost entirely black. While Hollywood has primarily focused on white superheroes to date, we are in the midst of a phenomenon demonstrating that characters of all backgrounds deserve their time in the spotlight. The good news for Marvel is that their universe is full of characters worthy of exploration.

Below and on the next few pages I’ve picked out a selection of diverse Marvel characters who should be considered for big screen treatment — be it in their own solo movies, or as part of larger ensembles. Each has a story worthy of inclusion in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and while some would need some time to be incorporated into the complicated canon, they all offer special new opportunities for the franchise.

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