New Mutants Reshoots Reportedly Inspired By IT’s Success

The latest news regarding the troubled production of The New Mutants claims the success of IT is to blame for the film’s change in tone and reshoots. With FOX’s The New Mutants drawing from the comics of the ’80s, it was always assumed there would be some horror elements. Characters like Magik and the villainous Demon Bear spoke to this idea, but early talk of a film akin to The Shining made a psychological thriller seem a more apt genre. That all changed when the first trailer for The New Mutants dropped and teased a full-blown horror movie with mutant teens in tow.

Costumes, superpowers, and any idea of a team weren’t involved, with the film looking like another bold stylistic departure from the comic book genre akin to Logan. But while reception to the trailer was positive, things soon took a turn for the worse when The New Mutants was pushed back an entire year amid discussion of making it scarier. Things only got worse this week when The New Mutants was pushed back again along with X-Men: Dark Phoenix. Now, we may know more of what’s been happening behind the scenes.

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The Tracking Board is claiming they have inside information on the production issues of The New Mutants, and apparently it’s all IT‘s fault. Director and co-writer Josh Boone is said to have wanted to make a horror film revolving around the young mutants, but FOX changed course and little room for pushback was given. Then IT arrived in theaters and became a massive critical and financial success by sticking a group of teens in an R-Rated supernatural horror film. FOX quickly recut the trailer for The New Mutants that was released a month later – but unfortunately the actual film didn’t live up to the hype.

Pennywise in IT New Mutants Reshoots Reportedly Inspired By ITs Success

The New Mutants is undergoing reshoots that are said to change almost half the film, and it seems it all comes down to FOX changing their minds about the movie just months before it was meant to hit theaters. And to make matters worse, the new report suggests the original version of the film was testing as well as Deadpool. Now, audiences may get a completely different movie and there’s no indication whether the final product will even work.

For FOX, the move is a risky one, but it could pay off. IT was extremely successful, though simply copying it is probably a bad idea. Still, fans seemed to love the trailer for The New Mutants and many unfamiliar with the characters appeared intrigued by the idea of a horror/superhero hybrid. If FOX, Boone, and all involved can create a coherent film through the reshoots that matches the energy of the trailer, then the studio could have another hit on their hands. If not, then they may have ruined a quality version of The New Mutants in an attempt to chase the success of an entirely different film.

MORE: What The Hell Is Going On With The X-Men Franchise?

Source: The Tracking Board

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