Who Will Be ABC’s Next ‘Bachelorette’? The Frontrunners

Kendall Long

Courtesy of ABC

Strause: Kendall was awesome to watch. She was fun, light-hearted, intelligent, articulate and — dare I say it — quirky. Aside from Arie continuously calling her that, you could tell that they genuinely got along and I think that is because most people probably get along with Kendall. It would make for an interesting season if every guy fell for the cool chick. My only hesitation is that, sadly in this world of Bachelor Nation, I don’t think her heart was shattered enough for America to root for her to lead her own show. Traditionally, the Bachelorette is someone who was left devastated by the previous cycle, and I have no doubt that right now, Kendall is doing just fine.

Nordyke: As much as Bekah was a breath of fresh air, so was Kendall, but for different reasons. I can’t believe toward the latter part of the season, I was rooting for a girl who is obsessed with taxidermy to make it all the way to the end. I thought that producers were setting her up to be the weirdo when they first introduced us to her and her unusual passion, but she seems to be one of the most grounded women on this season. She clearly wasn’t ready to rush into marriage — I mean, let’s be real, these couples get engaged after what is essentially only a few dates — and I liked that about her. (It’s the same reason I liked Peter Kraus, from Rachel Lindsay’s season — maybe those two should just get together?) I love her — yes, quirky — personality and that she was being realistic about her feelings and not getting swept up in the moment. But like Peter, I don’t think Kendall will be chosen for that very reason.

Verdict: 2/5 roses

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