Ron Howard Clarifies Status Of Solo: A Star Wars Story

It’s an interesting time to be a Star Wars fan. With Disney now in control of the iconic property, we should expect new blockbusters every year or so. Aside from main installments like The Last Jedi, standalone films are also on the table– with Solo: A Star Wars Story just around the corner. Solo hasn’t been without its on set troubles, as original directors Chris Miller and Phil Lord were fired from the project in the midst of filming. Ron Howard ended up taking over, but with so few trailers and images coming from the standalone film, some fans are worried that Solo might end up being a bit of a mess. But Howard has just given an update on the project, after some not to subtle prodding over on Twitter. Check it out.

It looks like all engines are go for Solo: A Star Wars Story. Considering how on edge the community is after Rian Johnson’s Star Wars: The Last Jedi, this should be welcomed news for fans of the galaxy far, far away.

Ron Howard’s tweet is just the latest update coming to us from the set of Solo, with the majority of reports being a bit troublesome. The contents of Solo: A Star Wars Story are almost a complete mystery to fans, although the film set to arrive in just two months. While Star Wars is typically cryptic with trailers and information ahead of its release, it seems like Solo is a bigger mystery than even the main installments. Many believed this was because the film was largely unfinished, a rumor that Howard seems to be denying.

Fans began to worry about the fate of Solo: A Star Wars Story when it was announced that directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller would be departing the project. Both the studio and the directors have cited creative differences as the reason, but the change of directors midway through shooting the next standalone film seemed potentially disastrous. Pair that with the lack of promotional materials, and the uncertainty was palpable.

Star Wars fans in general also seem a bit scorned by Rian Johnson’s Star Wars: The Last Jedi. The most recent sequel was purposefully subversive, and challenged fan expectations. Those who weren’t a fan of Johnson’s risk taking may have trepidation about the handling of Han Solo in his first standalone film, especially in the wake of the character’s death in The Force Awakens.

All will be revealed in just a few months, as Solo: A Star Wars Story will arrive in theaters on May 25th, 2018. In the meantime, check out our 2018 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

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