The actor also discusses ‘Counterpart’ season 2 and his upcoming room in the remake ‘Jacob’s Ladder.’
Guy Burnet is keeping himself business in Hollywood, with roles in Pitch Perfect 3, Philip K Dick’s Electric Dreams on Amazon and starring alongside J.K. Simmons in Starz’s espionage thriller Counterpart. “I’m very proud of it,” he told The Hollywood Reporter In Studio on the mind-warping series.
“It’s a wonderful show and I hope people give it a chance and give it time because it’s something that needs to breathe, and it’s really something that should be watched. It’s great television.”
Audiences will be able to give said time to Counterpart, which was snubbed from this year’s Emmy nominations, when the show returns for a new season next year. “Season 2 is happening and it’s incredibly exciting. I can’t give away too much about what happened. To be honest with you, if I actually understood what was happening in the show, I’d perhaps be able to tell you what’s going on, but half the time, I don’t know what’s going on,” Burnet said with a laugh.
The actor also shared what it’s been like to work with Simmons, someone he’s admired. “It’s incredible. I’ve been lucky to do that on a few occasions, a lot of actors that I’ve really looked up to over the years, or grown up watching and wanting to emulate, or to take something from in some kind of way – learn,” he said.
“I’ve been lucky enough to just have the front row seat to seeing these guys work, and J.K… he’s just like this animal inside, but he holds it still. It’s incredible. I’m very, very lucky,” he added.
Burnet will be seen next in the upcoming remake of the 1990 film of the same name Jacob’s Ladder, and as he tells THR, there’s some pressure that comes with making a film that is a “top 10 for a lot of people.”
“To some people, it might be a sacrilege to do it. Some people are going to like it, some people are not going to like it as much, but I’m really excited to see what they’ve done with it,” Burnet explained. “For me to be a part of it as an upcoming actor, it’s a real privilege, an honor to be a part of such a thing, and I hope the audiences really respond to it and see it separate to how the original was.”

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