Pussy Riot claim responsibility for the four pitch invaders during the World Cup final

French player Mbappé even high-fived one of the them

Pussy Riot have claimed responsibility for the four people who ran onto the pitch during today’s World Cup Final between Croatia and France.

France won the 2018 World Cup after beating Croatia 4-2. During the match, four people were seen running across the field and Russian punk group Pussy Riot have confirmed they were behind the stunt.

“Just a few minutes ago four Pussy Riot members performed in the FIFA World Cup final match — ”Policeman enters the Game”,” they wrote on Twitter.

They proceeded to share a statement about the invasion. “Today is 11 years since the death of the great Russian poet, Dmitriy Prigov. Prigov created an image of a policeman, a carrier of the heavenly nationhood, in the russian culture,” it reads.

“The heavenly policeman, according to Prigov, talks on the two-way with the God Himself. The earthly policeman gets ready to disperse rallies. The heavenly policeman gently touches a flower in a field and enjoys Russian football team victories, while the earthly policeman feels indifferent to Oleg Sentsov’s hunger strike. The heavenly policeman rises as an example of the nationhood, the earthly policeman hurts everyone.

“The heavenly policeman protects baby’s sleep, the earthly policeman persecutes political prisoners, imprisons people for “reposts” and “likes”.

“The heavenly policeman is the organizer of this World Cup’s beautiful carnival, the earthy policeman is afraid of the celebration. The heavenly policeman carefully watches for obeying the game rules, the earthly policeman enters the game not caring about the rules.

“The FIFA World Cup has reminded us of the possibilities of the heavenly policeman in the Great Russia of the future, but the earthly policeman, entering the ruleless game breaks our world apart.

When the earthly policeman enters the game, we demand to:

1. Let all political prisoners free.
2. Not imprison for “likes”.
3. Stop Illegal arrests on rallies.
4. Allow political competition in the country.
5. Not fabricate criminal accusations and not keep people in jails for no reason.
6. Turn the earthly policeman into the heavenly policeman.”

See the statement below as well as images from the pitch invasion.

Earlier this year, Pussy Riot shared their video for a track tilted ‘Elections’.

Posting the video the same day as the Russian elections on Twitter, the band wrote: “it’s the election day in Russia (guess who’ll win??)”

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