Tom Petty fans asked to submit pictures and videos for new music video

The video will accompany a new song released from ‘An American Treasure’ – a boxset of largely unreleased material out in September.

Tom Petty fans are being asked to submit their own videos and photos for inclusion in a new music video.

The video will be for a song taken from ‘An American Treasure’, a box set of unreleased material and the first to be released since Petty passed away in October 2017 aged 66 from an accidental drug overdose.

The album, due for release on September 28, will feature a mammoth 60 songs and will also feature new versions of classic songs alongside historic live performances.

Fans are now being asked to submit their own photos and videos of the band which can include a picture taken with Petty, a favourite video moment taken during a live show or any other special picture memories fans have taken of the band.

A statement on the late musician’s website said: “We are making a very special music video in honor of Tom Petty and his profound 40-year relationship with his fans, and we would love for you to help us.”

“We invite you to share your favorite moment with Tom and the band for possible inclusion in this video, such as a picture you took with Tom, a favorite video moment from a show, or any expression of love for the band that you have photographed and cherished.”

Fans can find out more about the video and upload material here.

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Dana and Adria Petty, Tom’s wife and daughter have curated the project alongside his former band mates Mike Campbell and Benmont Tench.

In a statement about the project, Dana and Adria said: “Everyone involved in this project chose each track with tremendous care and deep respect for the body of work Tom Petty created over the course of 40 years.”

“He also accumulated a wealth of unreleased music in his vaults, and we have collectively uncovered one gem after another that will keep us all listening and discovering new facets of Tom’s talent for many years to come.”

They added: “We can’t wait to share with Tom’s fans this musical portrait of an artist who deeply affected our culture and indelibly touched the lives of fans the world over.”

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