Michael B. Jordan’s beautifully sculpted face might have been the reason I saw Creed 2…
John Lamparski / Getty Images
…but by the time the movie was over, I was screaming DRAGO, Viktor Drago that is.
Viktor Drago is played by Florian Munteanu, and let me just say the movie didn’t do him justice.
Florian is a 28-year-old actor, amateur boxer, and fitness model.
He was born and raised in Germany, but is of Romanian descent.
Not only does Florian look like the future father of my children…
…but he also has some extremely redeeming qualities about himself, like the adoration he has for his mom.
He never passes up an opportunity to eat pizza.
Or to take a photo in front of an Instagram-worthy background.
But it isn’t just pizza that he loves. Florian’s also pretty fond of dogs too, both big and small. They’re not the only ones drooling right now.
Did I mention his nickname is Big Nasty?! I’m pretty sure I can think of a few reasons why.
And the man looks good in just about everything, from suits to streetwear. Get you a man who can do both!!
So, I say all this to say, keep an eye out for Florian because he you’ll definitely be seeing him on more movie screens and magazine covers in the future.
Just don’t look too closely, because I already called dibs. K, bye!

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