Hugh Jackman Got Trolled By Ryan Reynolds And It’s Great

Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman. Two very famous dudes who also happen to be very good friends.

Albert L. Ortega / Getty Images, Jon Kopaloff / FilmMagic

At least, I’m pretty sure they’re besties. They keep on trolling each other so I’m not sure.

Because I’m told that I AM THE NICEST GUY and you’re NOT. @VancityReynolds … I will let you hug me. Just this once. On your birthday.

12:07 PM – 23 Oct 2018

And it looks like this week wasn’t any different. You see, Hugh Jackman is getting v good buzz for his role in The Frontrunner.

Columbia Pictures

It’s Jason Reitman’s new movie about the Gary Hart sex scandal of the 80s. Politics! Drama! Basically screams Oscar!

To poke fun at him, Ryan decided to release an ad telling people not to vote for Hugh Jackman. Just watch:

What are Ryan’s reasons? Well, first of all, Hugh has been “lying” about his name. It’s actually Hugh MICHAEL Jackman.

Also, Hugh isn’t from Australia. Apparently, he’s from Milwaukee, LOL.

Oh, and Hugh “walked off” the job of Wolverine, adding to unemployment.

Ryan wrapped up the “ad” by proposing we all endorse him instead. Genius.

Not to back down in a troll war, Hugh had this absolutely perfect response:


OK, that’s it. Great job, everyone!

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