Timothee Chalamet is opening up to Harry Styles in an interview for i-D‘s “Superstar” Winter 2018 issue, available now for pre-order.
Here’s what the 22-year-old actor and 24-year-old singer had to say…
Timothee, on Beautiful Boy: “I knew Beautiful Boy was going to be tough, but I didn’t know it was going to leave me feeling so devastated and drained. The movie isn’t a downer, because it is really redemptive and hopeful, but it does feel like a punch to the stomach.”
Timothee, on masculinity: “I want to show that you can be whatever you want to be. There isn’t a specific notion, or jean size, or muscle shirt, or affectation, or eyebrow raise, or dissolution, or drug use that you have to take part in to be masculine. It’s a brave new world.”
Harry, on masculinity: “I’ve become a lot more content with who I am. I think there’s so much masculinity in being vulnerable and allowing yourself to be feminine, and I’m very comfortable with that.”
Timothee, on whether he can eat peaches after Call Me By Your Name: “[Laughs] Umm I can, but not without thinking about it…”
Harry, on eating peaches after Call Me By Your Name:– “I’ve had a hard time…”
For more from Timothee and Harry, visit i-d-vice.com.

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