Frankie Grande Opens Up About Being 20 Months Sober

Frankie Grande is opening up about his sobriety journey.

The 36-year-old Big Brother star spoke out on his Instagram on Saturday (February 16).

PHOTOS: Check out the latest pics of Frankie Grande

“today i have 20 months sober. i am extremely proud. this hasn’t been easy. when you get sober… life still happens. you have to deal with all the same highs and lows as you did when you were using but now you don’t have the ability to numb yourself. you feel it. you feel everything. good and bad,” he wrote.

“but there is also beauty in that. over the past 20 months i have felt loss but i have also felt love. i felt joy but i also felt grief. but the bottom line is… i felt. and that is such a gift. today, when i look in the mirror i see a completely different man than i did 20 months ago. i see a man who knows that everything is exactly as it is meant to be. a man liberated from the prison of being stuck in the past or obsessing over the future. a man grateful for his life… exactly as it is. a man excited for the next chapter… and ready to face it… no matter what…. sober.”

Congratulations, Frankie! See his full post on Instagram.

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