London music scene under threat from rising studio rent prices, experts warn

Seven studios in the capital have been forced to close in the past year

London’s music scene is being harmed by increasing rent prices for music studios and rehearsal spaces, according to industry experts.

Seven music rehearsal studios in the capital were forced to close last year due to rising rent prices, with those close to the business warning that a decrease in suitable studio-type spaces could stifle creative talent in the years to come.

The owner of Stoke Newington’s Reel Rebels Studios, Alicia Graham, said that “the days of London being the centre of the global music scene [are] in real danger of coming to an end”.

“We need a cap on rents for domestic and commercial properties so that musicians can afford to live here and studios and venues can exist as creative hubs as a means of self expression.”

London’s rent prices have increased by 29% in the last 10 years, according to rehearsal studio booking website Rehearsal Booker.

Rehearsal Booker

Rehearsal Booker founder Joe McRoberts said of the situation: “We’ve spent that last year putting every London rehearsal studio in one place to make it easier for musicians to book rehearsals. This is a great first for the industry.

“But in the process we have met so many studio owners who are struggling to pay the rent, or their landlords are turning the studios into flats. London is one of the most creative cities in the world, with an incredible history of great bands born in the city e.g. Led Zeppelin and The Rolling Stones.

“We run the risk of forcing musicians out of the city. Worse still, we may see musicians giving up on their passion for day jobs.”

UK Music added: “Rehearsal is integral to the career development of a young musician but there are not enough suitable, well-equipped, affordable facilities for those people starting out.”

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