Jussie Smollett ‘Maintains His Innocence’ Following 16 Felony Indictment

Jussie Smollett‘s lawyer is speaking out after he was indicted on 16 felony charges.

The 36-year-old Empire actor’s lawyer Mark Geragos says that Jussie maintains his innocence and the indictment was not a surprise.

“The fact of an indictment was not unexpected. We knew that there is no way they would expose their evidence to a public airing and subject their witnesses to cross-examination. What is unexpected, however, is the prosecutorial overkill in charging 16 separate counts against Jussie,” Mark said in a statement to People.

He added that the indictment is a attempt to make headlines and accused law enforcement of “robbing” Jussie of his presumed innocence.

Jussie continued, “This redundant and vindictive indictment is nothing more than a desperate attempt to make headlines in order to distract from the internal investigation launched to investigate the outrageous leaking of false information by the Chicago Police Department and the shameless and illegal invasion of Jussie’s privacy in tampering with his medical records. Jussie adamantly maintains his innocence even if law enforcement has robbed him of that presumption.”

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