Instagram / Hannah Polites
Hannah Polites wants you to see the naked truth of childbirth.
The 28-year-old Australian model and Instagram influencer posted on her account on Wednesday a naked photo of herself 38 weeks pregnant and another nude pic showing her 24 hours after giving birth to her second child and first son, Arlo William Small, who joins big sister Evaliah.
“Although a little confronting for me, I want to be as real as possible with you all and share my post partum body journey exactly how it is,” she wrote. “I was tired, pale and a little sore but so proud of what I’d just achieved the day before. The human body is so amazing and I’m so thankful that mine was able to grow, birth and now nurture my boy.”
“I’m in no rush to ‘bounce back’ and will just be focusing on my family and new baby, not exercising for at least 6 weeks. Evaliah has already asked why mama’s belly button “looks funny” and why my skin on my belly is so soft and she now knows that it’s because my body created a beautiful life and that’s bloody incredible �� #thankful #postpartumbody #postpartum.”
The candid photos stand in contrast to a pic she posted a few days ago of her standing and smiling with husband Grant Small with their daughter and a board that read, “Mama is in labour [sic] and baby is nearly here.” Some users criticized her over the “staged” image.
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