Big Brother’s Michie Defends Himself After Finale Criticism: I Truly Respect Women

It wouldn’t be Big Brother without some controversy. Season 21 ended with—spoiler alert—Jackson Michie winning the competition. But he didn’t come out of the competition without criticism.

In the finale, Tommy Bracco read a statement about Michie’s treatment of women during the game. Michie told EW he wasn’t worried about the question.

“No, because I know who I am and I know who I’m not, and I respect women more than anything. I’m very abrasive and I have a lot of energy and passion in everything I say and do. And I’m that way towards everyone. And is it right? No. I know that I need to work on it and tone it down in a lot of areas, but I don’t see race or gender or anyone when I’m having a conversation. And if someone upsets me, they upset me the same way that a guy would,” Michie told EW.

“And I know that it’s not right, but it has never been anything about demoralizing or being condescending to women, honestly. And it was hard hearing that because I’m an only child and I’m a mama’s boy at heart and I love my mom to death, but I know who I am and I know not. And I truly do respect women. I hate that someone may think that out there,” he continued.

Big Brother is almost always fraught with controversy. The series follows players on camera all day and often captures toxic comments of a variety of nature. Host Julie Chen Moonves brought up some of Michie’s behavior in the season, including his decisions to banish minority players. During the finale, Michie said, “I’m not racist, and this was a decision—the only time Kemi ever talked to me was when I was showering, she was brushing her teeth, and this was all based on first impressions.”

Are his answers good enough for you?

With his winnings in hand, Michie said that Big Brother check is his employment now.

“So I got to start working on some things, but it’s for my family. I need to take care of a few expenses on my end. But a lot of saving, a lot of investing, and this is not a fun night for me. I might splurge on a trip with Holly, but that might come out a change of scenery,” he said. “But for me, a lot of this money is setting myself up for success. Very much like in this game I’m looking long term. It’s as Zingbot said, chess not checkers. And there’s a lot of ways that this $500,000 can go, and I’ll be damned if I let it go down the toilet the way that a lot of money goes into some people’s lives and out of it just as quick.”

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