Inside Meghan Markle’s Daily Life Since Returning to Canada Amid Royal Family Drama

Meghan Markleis finding her new normal in Canada.

A source tells E! News the Duchess of Sussex is back at the million dollar mansion that David Foster and Katharine McPhee recommended to her and Prince Harryfor their holiday vacation. The insider reveals Meghan is laying low amid the drama, which is probably for the best considering the weather is “cold and rainy” in that area of Canada at the moment. “She mostly stays home but ventures out around mid-day just to get out,” the source shares.

Her choice mode of transportation to explore the Canadian city? A Range Rover, which the Duchess drives on her own, with security following closely behind her, according to the insider. 

Although Prince Harry remains in the United Kingdom the source says the former actress isn’t wanting for company. The source adds, “She has gone for a drive around town and to pick up someone at the airport that looked like her mom.” 

And when the Duchess isn’t running errands, she likely has her hands full with son Archie Harrisonto care for. He and his nanny have been keeping the 38-year-old company, along with numerous house guests who have come and gone throughout the holidays.

On New Year’s Day, a couple shared they had met the Duke and Duchess along with their friend Abigail Spencer while taking a hike. Moreover, the pair gave a shining review of the royals, who they described to E! News as being “so casual and friendly.”

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle

Not long after their eventful outing, Meghan and Harry returned to the United Kingdom to fulfill their royal duties and attend their first engagement of the year. Then, the day after, they revealed their intention to step back from their roles as “senior” members of the Royal Family, shocking the world and their own family.

As these events rapidly unfolded, it is said Meghan returned to Canada without Harry to be with their son, who they left behind in the care of a nanny. 

Since then, Harry has been inundated with conversations surrounding his and Meghan’s imminent departure from their roles. In the past week, he, Prince WilliamPrince Charlesand Queen Elizabeth IIhave held numerous talks in an attempt to find a “workable solution” for all parties involved.

Thus far, it appears they have yet to come to a conclusion on the matter, but in the Queen’s first statement on their departure, she said she’s requested they make “final decisions” in the coming days. She added, “Although we would have preferred them to remain full-time working Members of the Royal Family, we respect and understand their wish to live a more independent life as a family while remaining a valued part of my family.”

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