Grey’s Anatomy certainly seems to be having a good time destroying every relationship in its path.
Not a single couple’s going strong after tonight’s episode, which crushed Meredith and DeLuca in a way it feels hard to recover from, and further pulled Amelia and Link apart. Plus, the Alex Karev mystery just keeps deepening in a heartbreaking sort of way, and it’s hard to watch this show at this moment without feeling an incredible sense of sadness.
While Jo is out here tearfully calling her absent husband (who is, as we know, never going to return), the biggest break of the night was Meredith and DeLuca. DeLuca had stopped sleeping and eating in his desperation to figure out what’s wrong with Suzanne (Sarah Rafferty), a patient who was dying of a mysterious illness.
Karina then reminded Meredith that it was the same kind of behavior exhibited by their father and could even explain how he went after a complicated relationship with his boss, and so Meredith took him off the case. Even Dr. Riley was about to quit, until DeLuca noticed something about Suzanne’s bone marrow that led them to diagnosing her with an extremely rare disease.
DeLuca stormed in, didn’t wait to explain things to Meredith, and gave Suzanne steroids.
They worked, but Meredith was not having it. If they hadn’t worked, Suzanne could have died right there! Dr. Riley even called out Meredith for making the wrong call and taking DeLuca off the case just because he’s her boyfriend, but Mer was still trying to convince DeLuca she had a point. But then she went and compared him to his father, and he lost it. He said they were done and stormed off, and even hot Irish doctor was there to tell Mer her call was bad.
Now, we’ve got Meredith texting Alex for help and only getting those three dots for a quick second, and a promo for next week that wants us to think DeLuca might be dying in a blizzard! It all just feels a little cruel, especially after Station 19 rudely and cruelly killed off a fan fave just two weeks ago.
That crossover blizzard coming next week could very well bring these two back together, but it does feel like the show is heading somewhere with DeLuca displaying similar symptoms to what his dad went through for most of his life. Hopefully he will get some sleep and find something to eat now that Suzanne’s life has been saved, but he might need a little more help than that and he might not be ready for Mer to give it to him.
Anyway, that was a real bummer of an episode, and everyone deserves a hug…especially before the blizzard. And probably after the blizzard.
Grey’s Anatomy airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. on ABC.
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