Your ocean eyes are about to fill up with water.
During Thursday’s Capital Breakfast radio show, Billie Eilish teamed up with host Roman Kemp to help surprise a well-deserving superfan. At just 16, Marissa not only serves as a caregiver for her diabetic mom, but also for her brother, who battles severe learning disabilities. And together, Billie and Roman decided this teen needs a little something special from her favorite artist.
Sitting down with just Roman, Marissa opened up about her roller coaster life, explaining how she tries to do it all. “Balancing out home life as a young carer, school life with GCSEs, social life with my friends who aren’t going through the same thing I am…” she began. “I have lovely friends but they don’t understand. They’re not young carers, so they’re not in my position. They can’t relate to me but they will always be there to support me if I’m down. But they’re never really going to know what it’s like to be in my shoes.”
Oftentimes, she turns to Billie’s hits to feel less alone. “She’s just really inspiring,” Marissa gushed. “Her music is the type of thing that whenever you’re down and depressed and you’ve had a long day, just go into my room, lie down in my bed and blast up the volume. I don’t care if I go deaf.”
As she continued to rave over the music icon, Billie herself snuck into the room, creeping up behind Marissa’s chair without her noticing.
“I’ve seen her interviews and I know she’s had a tough life, especially going into fame,” Marissa continued. “We’re very different people and we have very different lives but I can relate to her so much.”
On the note, Roman asked her to turn around. And it was then she came face-to-face with her idol. In a moment guaranteed to melt your heart, the duo embraced, with Billie comforting the crying teen.
“Life is hard,” Marissa told the two stars. “It’s so hard and I have moments where I’m like, ‘I can’t do this anymore,’ but then you’re not alone. You still feel that in your head because it’s all in your head. Mental health is everything, so you always feel alone no matter how much you talk about it. I may feel like, right now, I am alone, but there are hundreds of other people out there who also feel like they’re alone right now so you’re not.”
“I just want to say,” she added to Billie, “I love you.”
And the feeling is mutual. “I love you,” the Grammy winner gushed back. “This has been an amazing interview.”
And you can catch every hug, every tear and every amazing moment in the video above.
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