Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino is ready to make the most of his “situation” and is ready for a comeback.
On Friday, the Jersey Shore: Family Vacation star and wife Lauren Sorrentino stopped by Pop of the Morning to discuss their new podcast, Here’s the Sitch With Mike & Laurens.
Of course, as Thursday night’s episode of JS:FV documented The Situation’s release from prison, POTM co-hosts Victor Cruz, Lilliana Vazquez and Scott Tweedie asked the reality star to reflect on his time in federal custody.
“When I got picked up from prison, my main concern was sort of holding my composure for my wife and family. I knew the cameras were going to be there, I knew MTV was picking me up [and] as a man growing up, I was taught to sort of be strong and not cry,” Mike detailed on getting emotional reliving these scenes. “When you watch something like that back again, you realize how sort of painful it was and how emotional it was and how proud you are that you got through that situation, held your head high and handled the whole situation with grace and class.”
Understandably, Mike also revealed he was “proud” of how his wife coped through this hardship. As E! readers surely recall, the college sweethearts wed in November 2018, mere months before Mike’s prison sentence for tax evasion.
“It was definitely a roller coaster, but we have gone through so many ups and downs, especially through his recovery,” Lauren reflected. “So, I always would tell people, compared to him getting clean and staying sober, I would choose jail over that sobriety path. Because, that was so much harder getting him into that healthy place where he is today.”

Speaking of Mike’s sobriety, he utilized many of his recovery tools to help him cope while in prison. Mainly, the action of constantly smiling and staying positive.
“The guys in prison were like, ‘What? Who smiles all day in prison?’ And I was just grateful to be alive, grateful to have another day to wake up, I was also grateful to be with this woman next to me,” Mike shared. “We had such a beautiful wedding and I had such good memories to sort of draw from. And also, I had hope that once I got out that I would really take advantage of my situation and sort of strive for a comeback.”
For all of this and more, including Mike’s thoughts on his past mistakes, be sure to watch the interview above.
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