Andrew Cuomo Threatens to Hang Up on Brother Chris During Their Greatest On-Air Fight Yet

The Cuomo brothers are at it again. 

Chris Cuomo invited his brother, New York governor Andrew Cuomo, back on CNN’s Cuomo Prime Time tonight—and as per usual, it was spectacular. The pair discussed the latest updates in the fight against the coronavirus crisis, but that didn’t stop them from taking yet another round of personal jabs at each other. 

Here were the best moments, from start to finish:

On Andrew’s Chattiness

Chris: I’m just smiling because in the control room they just said, ‘You have like three minutes left.’ My brother takes five minutes to say hello, you think I’m gonna be done with this interview in three minutes? Who’s got the fever tonight? The control room’s got the fever. 

Andrew: I have a zoom seder that I have to get to. 

C: I’m sure we all do. Well, actually I didn’t get invited to any. No surprise. 

On Andrew Being Called the “Love Gov”:

A: I’ve always been a soft guy. I am the love gov. I’m a cool dude with a loose mood. You know that. I just say let it go. Just go with the flow, baby. 

C: You’ve never said any of those things. 

A: You can’t control anything so don’t even try. Just water off a duck’s back. 

C: That’s the first time you’ve said any of those things… I’ve known you my whole life. 

A: Well, that’s your opinion. You should listen to me better. Listening works. 

On Andrew’s Presidential Aspirations:

C: Are you now giving different consideration to running for president [after Bernie Sanders concluded his campaign]?

A: No. But it was a good question.

C: It’s definitely a good question. 

A: I am thinking. I’m a thinking being. I’m thinking about a lot of things. 

C: I bet. 

On Which Brother Is Really Staying Home for Their Mother:

C: Who are you staying home for? Because I’m staying home for my mom. 

A: The whole campaign is dedicated to my mother, and I said that first thing this morning when I posted my picture. 

C: Oh, you’re staying home for your mom, too? Isn’t it weird though after I just said it?

A: No, I went first. I had my press conference doing it for my mother… I had my picture this morning, while you were still sleeping, and I showed it at my press conference.

C: I’m staying home for these two guys in the front. You know why? Do you see the picture? 

A: I can’t see it. 

C: Oh, you can see it. 

A: I can’t see it. Bye, Chris. 

C: No, no, no. Don’t you do it. Put the microphone back on. Don’t be like that. 

A: Take that picture down. Take the picture down!

C: Put it back up. There he is! Here’s why I’m doing it for these guys. This is the guy who helped me shape who I am today. Look how lovingly I was looking at him back then. I know it looks like I’m just staring at his diamond encrusted belt buckle, but I’m not. I’m actually staring at the young man who made me so proud as his brother back then and now. 

A: There are no words. Three minutes is up. 

C: I love you very much. Thank you for coming on this show, thank you for keeping my spirits up and thank you for what you’re doing for this state. 

A: Oh, I’d like to say it was my pleasure, but it wasn’t. 

Never change, you two! Never change

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