James Van Der Beek Shared His Wife Kimberly Suffered Another Miscarriage

He added, “And as I stood by, grateful for the good people who navigated the maze of regulations to save her life—but helpless to do much for the woman I loved other than massage her feet and try to keep her warm (with my #DWTS robe, ironically)—something kept running through my head, again and again, which I now feel compelled to share…”

Van Der Beek went on to add that “we’ve got to take better care of each other.” 

“The world is in pain right now,” he went on. “There’s denial, shock, numbness, anger – all the old patterns we cling to when deep trauma is unearthed. And there are no words to ease that pain… to make the process hurt less or to solve it quickly. But the way out of it? Starts with an open, broken-hearted contemplation of this question: How can we take better care of each other? And to all the families who have gone through this… you are not alone.”

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