Novak Djokovic has tested positive for coronavirus.
The 33-year-old tennis pro confirmed the news on Tuesday.
The announcement came shortly after Djokovic took part in an exhibition series he organized in Serbia and Croatia. He played in Zadar last weekend and Belgrade earlier this month as part of the Adria Tour.
Djokovic said his wife, Jelena, tested positive for coronavirus, as well.
“The moment we arrived in Belgrade we went to be tested,” the tennis champ said in a statement obtained by The Telegraph. “My result is positive, just as Jelena’s, while the results of our children are negative.”
Djokovic has been criticized for conducting the tour amid the global coronavirus pandemic. Players were photographed giving each other high-fives, hugging and posing for pictures together during the tournament. People were also pictured not wearing face masks and sitting together in the stands.
“Everything we did in the past month, we did with a pure heart and sincere intentions,” Djokovic continued. “Our tournament meant to unite and share a message of solidarity and compassion throughout the region. The Tour has been designed to help both established and up-and-coming tennis players from South-Eastern Europe to gain access to some competitive tennis while the various tours are on hold due to the COVID-19 situation. It was all born with a philanthropic idea to direct all raised funds towards people in need and it warmed my heart to see how everybody strongly responded to this.”
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