Attention Parents: The Skinny Confidential’s Lauryn Evarts Bosstick Can Help You Cope With Quarantine

And, if all else fails, at least start the day off right. 
“My top ritual is you’re only as good as your morning,” she asserts. “So start your morning off very strategically.” Hers begins with 10 minutes of breathwork, following Wim Hof‘s method. “It’s better to do 10 minutes of breathwork than four hours of meditation, they did a study,” she says. “So, 10 minutes of breathwork and a freezing cold three-minute shower changed my life in quarantine.”

She’s also made it a point to schedule a daily workout into her agenda—”Really, having it in your calendar makes a big difference,”—and following an evening routine meant to shake off the day’s stressors. 

“I think the space that you’re winding down in is so important because if you go to bed full of cortisol, it’s not going to make you a productive person for the next day,” she explains. Her bedroom is filled with a salt rock lamp she snagged off Amazon and red light bulbs, thought to be optimal for sleep. “It’s amazing if you just go in and I put on, like, Buddhist zen music.” If that’s not your style, she advises thinking about what soothes you. All these mini self-care steps add up, she says, “So you can have the energy to put in, day after day and show up.”

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