All the while, the world had never lost interest in the Menendez case, per se, but there was particular renewed interest around that time, stemming from the Lifetime Movie Menendez: Blood Brothers, starring Courtney Love as Kitty Menendez, and NBC’s Law & Order True Crime: The Menendez Murders, featuring an Emmy-nominated performance by Edie Falco as Leslie Abramson, both in 2017.
And the fascination continues, hence the recall to the network’s heyday, back when there weren’t a zillion other resources competing for attention, with the new podcast Murder and The Menendez Brothers: A Court TV Mystery, hosted by Court TV lead anchor Vinnie Politan.
“The Menendez case was one of the original Court TV’s most-watched trials and helped put the network into the mainstream; it was a natural choice to launch our new serialized podcast series,” said Scott Tufts, Court TV Senior Vice President, when the series was announced last month.
Added Politan: “This was a sensationalist crime in every sense of the word. What these brothers stood accused of and ultimately were convicted for, was a shock to the system for many people. From the little things that help the brothers initially avoid suspicion, to how they’ve become well-known figures—for better or worse—we’ll go through it all, including what the results may have been like if they faced a jury of their peers today.”
No one knows the case better from the inside-out, top-to-bottom, than Court TV.
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