Tyson Beckford Is Turning 50, But This Game-Changing Skin Secret Keeps Him Glowing

E!: You have a big birthday coming up! What is your secret to great skin at almost 50? 

TB: You need water for plants. You need water for trees. The human body is kind of the same thing. You need to water it, you need to keep it moisturized, especially like your skin. I would say it has done me a very good deed because at the age of 50, a lot of my friends are seeing wrinkles in their skin and they’re like “What are you doing?” I’m just drinking water, working out, eating clean. I’ve cut meats out. I love fish, I’m sort of like a vegetarian-pescatarian.

E!: What’s your birthday wish?

TB: Just being around family, continuous success, and longevity in life. I’ve had a good 49 years so far. Although a couple bad ones, but the funny thing is I don’t even remember them. I’ve always trained my mind to remember the good and also remember the good in people, but to not forget. I think just being alive, especially with what’s going on in the world, being able to have a roof over your head, having food on the table, and having people around you that care about you. That’s pretty much all I can ask for at 50.

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