“I want to be my honest self in in a lot of ways that the characters on the show are really honest with each other. I think the people that like Scrubs, one thing they might like about the podcast is that Donald I are just very real and open and honest and share from our lives,” Zach said. “For the most part, we leave almost everything in.”
Donald countered, “Yeah but even with all of that, even with everything that we share, it’s not like people know who we are at the end of the day.”
“Well they do way more than actors that aren’t [on a podcast]!” said Zach. “I disagree with you.”
“Well I could see where they’d be like, ‘I know that Donald likes donuts,” Donald said. “But my point is that I still have things that are still mine, you know what I mean?”
“I think you share a lot about who you are,” Zach told him. “You share a lot about your heart and you share a lot about what you’re passionate about. I mean, this is twice a week, every week. You’re sharing a lot of stuff.”
They always want the show to be kind, Zach said, and they will occasionally cut something out if it sounds “douchey.”
“There’s so much f–kin’ hate and negativity on the internet,” he said. “For the most part, we don’t include anything that’s really dissing or making fun of anyone.
Added Donald, “We never want to punch down.”
But making fun of themselves? That’s a given.
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