Is it really a bromance if it didn’t start with a couple of mean jokes?
On Oct. 21, Anthony Mackie virtually stopped by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon and shared how his bromance with fellow Captain America: The Winter Soldier star Sebastian Stan began.
“When we were shooting Winter Soldier, he had this awful wig on and literally in the middle of scenes they would have to cut because the wig would like fall off or fall down,” the actor said. “So I would make fun of his wig and he would make fun of my calves because that’s my bone of contention like growing my calves, you know. So once I realized I can give him junk and he give me junk, and we were cool, it was great.”
The star also spoke about filming his latest movie Synchronic in his hometown in Louisiana, which he semi-seriously called “the worst experience you could ever have.”
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