Four couples. One house. All honey.
That was the simple concept of the Honey House, an adult TikTok dwelling nestled in the Hollywood Hills that has amassed over 515,000 followers and garnered nearly 16 million likes since launching in August. Their most-viewed video has been watched 26.5 million times.
The group of of content creators went viral in September when a video breaking down the members’ jobs—including a “mindset and motivation coach” and “models and fitness trainers” who alternate between working out and doing photoshoots all day—was dubbed “sincerely the worst thing ive ever seen” on Twitter.
While the video dumbfounded many, it also was deeply fascinating, answering a social-media-age-old question: What the hell do influencers really do all day?
And that is the allure of Honey House, with founder and former professional hockey player-turned-fitness influencer J.T. Barnett giving followers (and hate-watching non-followers, to be honest) a glimpse into this Oz-like nirvana, filled with sponsored goodies and hopscotch challenges during its first season.
While TikTok houses were already a trend before the coronavirus pandemic, the fascination with the groups has only grown since social distancing protocols were put into place, with each one developing their own signature brand of content.
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