Jeff Bridges Shares an Inspiring Update On His ”Mortality” Amid Cancer Battle

Jeff Bridges is going to keep on keeping on. 

Ten days after the Hollywood legend first shared news of his lymphoma diagnosis, he posted a heartwarming health update to his website on Thursday, Oct. 29. 

Accompanied by a photo of Bridges proudly posing in a hospital gown and some hand-drawn doodles, The Big Lebowski star wrote, “This cancer thing is bringing on feelings of precociousness & gratitude & good old fashion love & lots of it, big time. I’m feeling so much of it comin’ my way, & man I appreciate it.”

Bridges continued, “It’s contagious, all this love, like some kind of positive virus. I want to acknowledge & thank you guys for reaching out during this time. It feels good, getting all the well wishes & love!”

“This cancer is making me appreciate my mortality, appreciate impermanence,” the 70-year-old added. “I’m realizing if I have s–t to share, now’s the time.”

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