No matter what side of TikTok you’re on, you’ve seen Nathan Apodaca—you know him as Doggface208—skateboarding on his way to work while drinking Ocean Spray cranberry juice and lip-syncing “Dreams” by Fleetwood Mac.
With over 46 million views and nearly 8 million likes, it’s safe to say everyone is obsessed with the good vibes from his viral video. Not only has this 25-second clip broken streaming records for the 1977 hit song, but the worldwide attention has scored Nathan a new car from Ocean Spray and commercial with TikTok. And Stevie Nicks and even Mick Fleetwood have joined in on the #DreamsChallenge, which encourages users to remake Apodaca’s laid back video.
“I didn’t think it was going to be this big,” Apodaca, an Idaho potato worker, told E! News. “I was doing a video like I usually do, just trying to make somebody smile.”
And he certainly achieved that goal—and so much more. Read on for more about Apodaca’s viral hit, his new celeb fans and whether or not cranberry juice is really his favorite drink.
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