Sweaty Dr. 90210 Patient Gets Dozens of Botox Injections & They “Hurt Like a Bitch!”

Wesley is saying sayonara to sweat on tonight’s all-new Dr. 90210!

Fed up with her hyperhidrosis, the patient in the above sneak peek clip has turned to Dr. Suzanne Quardt, who’s performing a procedure that aims to eliminate the sweat and odor glands in the armpits. 

We get a glimpse of the process, and surprisingly, Wesley doesn’t seem to be in any pain. 

“It doesn’t even hurt,” she says as Dr. Q navigates a large handheld device on her armpit. “Like, this does not feel like anything.”

The procedure doesn’t last long, but as we learn from Dr. Q in a confessional, Wesley’s not leaving the operating table any time soon.

“Now that I finished the MiraDry procedure for Wesley’s armpits, I need to mark her hands and soles of her feet with the Botox,” Dr. Q explains.

Botox…that’s not too bad, right?

Dr. Q continues, “So in order to avoid injecting into veins very near the skin, we’re gonna use a vein finder so we can place our marks away from those vessels.”

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