Dr. Tiffany Moon: “URGENT help needed!! We have over 100 women and children who have been displaced from our shelter due to a burst pipe. They are ok and in temporary housing but we need to find a solution as this will take WEEKS to repair. I have been reaching out to all our hotel connections but if anyone has ANY leads on housing for about 120 women and children for 4-6 weeks, please message me privately. We need all the help we can get. Thank you everyone and please stay safe.”
Alyssa Milano: “Texas! I’m thinking of you! Anyone looking to help the great people of Texas you can follow @betoorourke for news, ways you can help and resources. He is personally making calls with his Powered By People to Texans to make sure they are ok. More info on what you can do at PoweredXPeople.org.”
Brene Brown: “We are back after 36 hours without heat or electricity. The state is still in crisis. We’re seeing nursing homes and hospitals being evacuated, long lines for food, boil mandates are in effect (where there is water), no gasoline, and more cold weather ahead. Many of you have reached out to ask where you can give and donate to help Texans. Thank you.
First, if you know folks here—check on them. Second, I’m supporting the Episcopal Relief and Development Fund during this crisis. They are working across the state with many different organizations to bring food, warmth, and shelter to people in need. The minimum donation is $5 — which makes a bigger difference than you think. Also, here’s the answer to the question I always ask: 92 cents from each dollar goes directly to aid. Link is in the profile. Special thanks to all of those folks who are showing up, working, and volunteering. Many of these essential workers are the same exhausted folks who are getting us through the pandemic. It feels overwhelming right now.”
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