This Is Us Preview: Kevin’s Twins Are Leaving the Hospital & His Reaction Is Priceless

Homeward bound.

In this exclusive clip from tonight, Feb. 23’s all-new This Is Us, Kevin Pearson (Justin Hartley) learns that Madison (Caitlin Thompson) and the twins are being discharged from the hospital. While Madison appears to be excited by this news, the reality of fatherhood hits a nervous Kevin.

“Alright, one pumpkin cream cold brew,” a casual Kevin starts off. “And for my favorite new mom, who can’t have caffeine yet, one vanilla steamer. So, have fun with that.”

Little does Kevin know his life is about to change! “Big news. Nurse Carmen just told me,” Madison says. “Guess who has two thumbs and two newborns and is going home today?”

With a stunned expression, Kevin simply utters, “Really? Wow.”

As Madison comments that she’s ready to sleep in her own bed again, she realizes Kevin’s lack of enthusiasm. She asks, “Aren’t you excited? You said this cot was built for R2-D2.”

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