Back in January, the couple denied allegations brought forth by one of the 11 individuals Sabrina Peterson, who claimed T.I. put a gun to her head. During the press conference, Blackburn said Peterson “opened up the door” for the women and “gave them courage to come forward.” He also said “these women have never put forth a request for money” and that T.I. and Tiny’s legal team seemed “very very interested in killing this story and killing these claims.” However, Sadow denied this allegation.
“I understand that at a virtual press conference today, attorney Blackburn claimed the Harrises reached out to him through me to supposedly make a deal. That is patently false,” he told Variety. “I reached out to see if he would share any information since his name was posted on Instagram as the attorney for Sabrina Peterson. Blackburn repeatedly refused to provide the names of his accuser-clients or any corroborating or supporting evidence of his groundless claims. The Harrises repeat that they are confident if a thorough and fair investigation is conducted, no charges will be brought.”
On March 1, Blackburn Law also confirmed to E! News that it filed a defamation lawsuit against T.I., Tiny and Shekinah J. Anderson, the latter of whom appeared on the couple’s reality TV shows including TI & Tiny’s Family Hustle.
“Defamation, slander and libel all carry legal action which Ivie McNeill, Wyatt, Purcell & Diggs together with T.A. Blackburn Law intend to litigate to the fullest extent on behalf of our client, Ms. Peterson,” a statement read. “A person’s choice of words, especially, words from public figures with millions of followers on social media, causes and has caused Ms. Peterson to suffer internal scars. These salacious words may not have caused physical harm but they did destroy Ms. Peterson’s soul, reputation and causes irreparable harm to her business and her brand. TI, Tiny nor Ms. Jones can unring that bell.”
Sadow reacted to the lawsuit in a statement to The Hollywood Reporter. “Ms. Peterson is the definition of ‘libel proof,'” he said. “She has a lengthy rap sheet for crimes involving dishonesty and violence. Nothing our clients may have said about her is defamatory. Ultimately, not only will Peterson’s meritless lawsuit be dismissed, but also she will be responsible for paying the legal fees the Harrises will be forced to incur in connection with it.”
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