Goldstein told reporters in the month before his death, “There’s no reason why I should have lived or why I lived and they didn’t. I’m alive and I’m here and I have another chance. So I have to do something better with my life this time.”
But at some point, he relapsed and the demons he had so successfully beaten back for years sadly got the better of him.
“The crazy thing is, one of the last things he said to me—it was after a show, we had just played Coachella, we were playing our residency in Vegas,” Barker said on The Real in 2015. “You know, this guy had 12 years sober under his belt. He’s one of the reasons I got sober, and he was just one of those people that were in your life that just made you want to be a better person. So, I didn’t really…anytime he was negative I didn’t really think much ’cause I just knew how strong he was…but one of the last things he said to me was, ‘you know, I feel like doin’ a bunch of drugs and saying f–k it.'”
DJ AM was found dead in his bed at around 5:20 p.m. on Aug. 28, 2009, in his New York apartment. A friend had called 911 from another location and paramedics had to break down the door. The toxicology report said that there was cocaine and a cocktail of prescription meds, including OxyContin, in his system. There were six Oxy pills in his stomach and one still in his throat, left unswallowed when he apparently passed out. A crack pipe was also discovered in the residence. His death was ruled an accident. He was 36. Today, on his March 30 birthday, he would be turning 48.
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