8 p.m. Her children sent off to sleep with the help of Catherine Ingram‘s “funny and educational” cartoon-style book, Arnold’s Extraordinary Art Museum, Pappas and her wife chat about their days over plates of the chicken stir-fry she whipped up. “I like to keep dinners simple,” she says of her go-tos. The easiest: “On nights we’re both tired and had a long day, we’ll order sushi.”
9 p.m. Among Pappas’ secret weapons: A running to-do list. After dinner, she checks her emails once again, takes a peek at her calendar and writes down her priorities for the next day. “This simple nightly ritual is what helps me not only relax for the evening and disconnect from work, but helps me hit the ground running the next day,” she explains.
Then she rewards herself with another scroll through her For You feed. “Lately,” she notes, “I’ve been seeing a lot of trends around 2000s throwback with celebrities, fashion, and movies.”
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