Best: Kat Quitting Her Job
“I think actually the best career moment for Kat is when she quits her job at the Belle, because it’s really hard to be vulnerable, and money is a real thing that helps us get by in this society that is driven by capitalism and consumerism,” Dee said. “So Kat taking this leap of faith to be like, ‘I believe in this thing I’m building so I’m willing to risk a steady paycheck,’ to me, is a high.”
Worst: Kat Getting Fired
“A low is all the times she’s gotten fired,” Dee continued. “I mean, literally, take your pick. Kat has been fired for been close to getting fired multiple times. And you know what? Some of those I think are justified. Some of those, I think, are badass, and others are, like, come on, girl, learn how to leak some information. You don’t have to tweet it out from your account!”
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