In March, Jamie’s attorney, Vivian Thoreen, told NBC News, “Britney being safe and not being taken advantage of is his number one priority.”
Vivian echoed similar sentiments when speaking to CNN that same month, stating Jamie “would love nothing more than to see Britney not need a conservatorship…Like any parent, he doesn’t always see eye-to-eye on what Britney may want. But Jamie believes every single decision he has made has been in her best interest.”
On June 30, a Los Angeles Superior Court judge denied a request from Britney’s lawyer, Samuel D. Ingham III, to remove Jamie as her co-conservator, per the court order obtained by E! News. Moreover, Jamie petitioned the court on June 29 to investigate the accusations Britney made in her testimony.
“Given the nature of the allegations and claims, it is critical that the Court confirm whether or not Ms. Spears’s testimony was accurate in order to determine what corrective actions, if any, need to be taken,” Jamie’s filing states, which was obtained by E! News. “It is also imperative for the proper functioning of conservatorship proceedings before this Court that all parties be provided a full and fair opportunity to respond to allegations and claims asserted against them, including by way of an evidentiary hearing.”
At this time, Jamie controls his daughter’s estate and has the authority to approve all of her expenditures. Back in 2008, Britney’s father was appointed as her co-conservator, along with Andrew M. Wallet. Andrew resigned in 2019. In November 2020, a judge decided that Bessemer Trust Co.—a wealth management group—would serve as a co-conservator alongside Jamie.
On July 1, the Bessemer Trust Co. requested a judge remove it from its role as co-conservator “due to changed circumstances” after Britney “claimed irreparable harm to her interests” in the court hearing.
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