The Wanted Are Back Together and Appreciating Every Minute: “What We Created Was Beautiful”

“I think coming back, we’re solid in knowing what we love and what we like to do creatively and have a vision, personally and as a group, of what we want to achieve,” observed Kaneswaran, the group’s only Dublin-born member, who released his debut solo single “Breathe In” in 2019. “And I think that’s solidified over the years until we got to here.” 

“We all knew what we wanted,” the 32-year-old said, “we all know what we feel, and the whole period away I think humbled us all in a way.”

Now, a greatest hits album is in the works, and so is a tour. 

However, their impressive songbook aside, McGuiness said, “I think the most important thing to know about the tour is that I’ve tried to suggest that we go vegetarian and Max was not happy about this. Siva and Nathan are up for it being maybe even vegan! We’re trying to be The Wanted Conscientious 2021 but Max is still there with his beef and whole milk.”

They all laughed. “At least I don’t put oat milk in my cereal,” George charged, unwittingly firing up a hot topic, with Sykes on defense (“Hey, it’s nice”) and Parker insisting “it deserves to be in the bin forever.”

George suggested people only pretended to like it and preferred regular milk, to which Sykes replied, “I wouldn’t, I’m very intolerant.”

Parker quipped, “Why does this not surprise me?” Sykes explained that, “Naturally, most humans are dairy intolerant,” prompting McGuiness to crack, “I mean, naturally most humans are alcohol intolerant and it doesn’t stop any of us.” More laughing ensued.

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