Back in 2016, fans were left in shock when Nick beat out front-runner Luke Pell for the coveted role of the Bachelor. At the time, a source close to Nick told E! News that the move was “a last-minute decision” that came together just days before the big announcement.
During his appearance on Trading Secrets, Nick offered his speculations into why producers picked him over Luke: “I think he negotiated—like, they had no other options.”
“I don’t think the producers particularly cared for Luke Pell the person,” Nick said, explaining that he himself wasn’t concerned about pay because he “knew the money would come” eventually.
“It’s stupid for anyone who’s offered that role [to say no],” he added. “Nickel-and-diming over [$10,000 or] $20,000 is the dumbest thing you can do given what you can do with that opportunity gives you.”
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