Brenda Song Is Just Getting Started: How Motherhood Kicked Off a New Chapter In Her Career

That’s meant learning to accept help from a robust support system that includes her live-in mother. “I remember, like, three days into having my son,” she detailed, “I looked at my mom and was like, ‘Mom, I am so sorry for anything that I have ever done to upset you or to anything. You are incredible. I don’t know how you do it.'”

Though after some 10 months of bonding with her little man, it is admittedly a bit hard to share him with the world.

“I’m used to being like, ‘I can do everything on my own. Don’t worry about it,'” she said. “I just had to learn to step back and know that it’s okay to not know everything. And to not have to do everything. Because I think that was one of the things that made my fourth trimester probably worse, was the anxiety of, ‘Oh my God, am I doing enough? Am I a good mom?'”

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