And it looks like Julia is loving their time together, too. “You know, I’m so used to being f–ked over in relationships, so I keep waiting for him to disappoint me, because he makes very grandiose promises, and it’s like, ‘How could he ever pull it off with all the other things he has going on?’ she told Interview last month. “But he always does.”
While Julia said in a Jan. 15 of Forbidden Fruits that she and Ye, who is in the midst of a divorce from Kim Kardashian, don’t have any labels or expectations, she noted they have “such a Gemini-Aquarius-like connection.”
“What’s really exciting about him is that, like, any idea can become a reality,” Julia added. “Anything is possible. Any dream is possible. And I love that. And he’s just such a doer. He’s like, ‘Do it now,’ you know? Like, ‘Don’t wait.'”
And even if fans didn’t see their whirlwind romance coming, Julia told her listeners that “all the people that we have in common, like friends in common, have texted me and been like, ‘Oh my God, this makes so much sense.'”
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