We can’t believe it. They f-cking forgot Molly Ringwald‘s birthday!
The ‘80s icon, who turned 54 on Feb. 18, recently shared an Instagram post of a text conversation revealing that her own mother forgot her birthday—which is pretty much exactly what happened to Molly’s 16-year-old character Samantha Baker in the 1984 film Sixteen Candles.
Molly texted her mom, “That’s it? You don’t have anything else to say to me today?” before she responded, “I didn’t realize it was the 18th today. Happy birthday! I haven’t got your present in the mail. Will do very soon.”
Noting the likeness to the plot of Sixteen Candles, the actress replied, “Life imitates art,” while her mother responded, “How true. It took me a few more years to forget.”
Though Molly’s mom didn’t get the memo, the actress was flooded with birthday love from several people, including author Amanda Montell, who wrote, “Ooooh a fellow February baby. Have the most splendid day, Molly.”
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