“We’ve definitely had our share of challenges,” Heather said. “I would say out of our 25 years, we had one really nasty year where it could have gone south but I think that we were still obviously in love with each other and wanted to work on our marriage and figure out what the problems were. I think sometimes it’s very easy for couples to just give up and walk away.”
Unfortunately, that may be the case for the pair on 7 Year Stitch. “Here is what is so crazy,” Heather began. “We separate them for seven weeks because we do a full body, mind, soul makeover—internal, external—to make them their most confident, best versions of themselves…We’re hoping to stitch them back together.”
“But sometimes,” she continued, “when you make someone that confident, best version of themselves, sometimes they’re like, ‘Yeah, you know what? I’m good. I’m done with you. Bye.'”
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