How Married to Medicine’s Dr. Contessa and Dr. Scott Metcalfe Saved Their Marriage

At one point, the bond became so distant between the pair that Contessa put a for sale sign outside the family’s Atlanta home as a symbol it was time to move out and move on. But after Scott pulled into the driveway, he pushed down the sign and agreed to participate in therapy—a longtime request from his wife.

Both parties spoke to professionals and learned that their own divorced parents were having an effect on their current relationship.

“When he started going to therapy, it was good because he was able to become more aware of the things that he was only doing because it was what he was taught,” Contessa explained. “Neither one of us, to be honest, saw a good example of marriage growing up. We were just winging it and then trying to listen to 10 different people tell you 10 different ways to do the same thing. It just was not effective.”

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