The entire thing made for quite the out-of-body experience for Sasse.
“My character is calling her Shania and she’s there in full regalia,” he said. “I don’t know if you’ll see it on camera, but I was pissing myself because it’s Shania Twain! And I’m calling her Shania! I was just giggling. That’s the wonderful thing about this job. You get to be in the most extraordinary circumstances.”
Of course, acting alongside Oscar winner Sarandon provided an entirely different challenge—namely, trying to not get swallowed up by her aura.
“She’s so fearless,” Sasse said of his co-star. “I was palpably aware of saturating every single minutiae of that performance because it’s so nuanced. At once, she’s totally effortless. At the time time, she’s giving an enormous amount of information with just the slightest inflections and movements. It’s just like an internal masterclass.”
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