But, of course, there’s a twist: The group forms a pact, promising that the first of them to die will come back to haunt the club from beyond.
“That’s a pretty big mystery—what happens after you die,” co-producer Trevor Macy said in an interview with TV Guide published Sept. 5. “But we’re going to take a crack at it.”
The Midnight Club is set to featuring a large ensemble cast, including Iman Benson, Igby Rigney, Ruth Codd, Annarah Cymone, William Chris Sumpter, Adia, Aya Furukawa, Sauriyan Sapkota, Matt Biedel, Samantha Sloyan, along with Zach Gilford and Nightmare on Elm Street scream queen Heather Langenkamp, who plays the mysterious doctor who runs the hospice.
“What kind of a person,” Macy further teased at the time, “would run this asylum?”
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