Why Jerry Springer Is Apologizing for The Jerry Springer Show

The sounds of “Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!” may still haunt Jerry Springer.

The talk show host offered up an unexpected apology following The Jerry Springer Show‘s almost three decade run. During a Nov. 8 appearance on David Yontef‘s Behind the Velvet Rope podcast, Springer said he was “so sorry” for how his show went on to impact TV.

“I just apologize,” he said. “I’m so sorry. What have I done? I’ve ruined the culture.”

He then quipped, “I just hope hell isn’t that hot, because I burn real easy. I’m very light-complected.”

The Jerry Springer Show, which ran between 1991 and 2018, became popular thanks to its tabloid-esque content and profanity-prone guests. And while the chat show may’ve been a dream career for some, Springer told Yontef that he was “just a schlub who got lucky.”

“There was never a thought in my mind growing up that I’d be in show business,” he said. “I mean, I’m a lawyer. I started out being a lawyer and working for Bobby Kennedy. And, in other words, my background is political and legal.” 

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