“I’ve never had any work-work done, but I went through a phase when I was smoking pot when I was really obsessed with getting facial injections,” the “Born This Way” singer told radio host Howard Stern in 2013. “I was going to this strip mall in Chicago in the back…Everybody was like, ‘You are a nut job.’…I’m telling you, I wasn’t exactly in the best frame of mind, and I would smoke a bunch of joints and have some drinks and I would be like, ‘Oh, let’s go see my girl’ and we would drive to this strip mall and I would get shot up with a bunch of whatever, Juvéderm, and then leave.”
She continued, “Now all the stuff is gone. Before I shot the ‘Applause’ video, [a photographer friend] was like, ‘Gaga, I love you but if you don’t stop injecting s–t in your face I’m going to just kill you.'”
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